人工智能(AI)球员已经获得了像Go,国际象棋和奥赛罗(Reversi)这样的游戏的超人技能。换句话说,AI球员作为人类球员的对手变得太强。然后,我们不会与AI播放器一起玩棋盘游戏。为了娱乐人类球员,AI球员必须自动平衡其人类球员的技能。为了解决这个问题,我提出了一个具有动态难度调整的AI播放器的Alphadda,基于Alphazero。 alphadda包括一个深神经网络(DNN)和蒙特卡罗树搜索,如alphazero。 alphadda估计游戏状态的值仅使用DNN的板状态,并根据值改变其技能。 Alphadda可以仅使用游戏的状态调整Alphadda技能,而无需先验对对手的知识。在本研究中,Alphadda播放Connect4,6x6 othello,使用6x6尺寸板,与其他AI代理商使用6x6尺寸板,othello。其他AI代理商是alphazero,蒙特卡罗树搜索,minimax算法和随机播放器。本研究表明,除随机玩家外,alphadda实现了与其他AI代理的技能。 alphadda的DDA能力来自于从游戏状态的值的准确估计。我们将能够为任何游戏使用Alphadda的方法,因为DNN可以估计来自状态的值。
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Classification bandits are multi-armed bandit problems whose task is to classify a given set of arms into either positive or negative class depending on whether the rate of the arms with the expected reward of at least h is not less than w for given thresholds h and w. We study a special classification bandit problem in which arms correspond to points x in d-dimensional real space with expected rewards f(x) which are generated according to a Gaussian process prior. We develop a framework algorithm for the problem using various arm selection policies and propose policies called FCB and FTSV. We show a smaller sample complexity upper bound for FCB than that for the existing algorithm of the level set estimation, in which whether f(x) is at least h or not must be decided for every arm's x. Arm selection policies depending on an estimated rate of arms with rewards of at least h are also proposed and shown to improve empirical sample complexity. According to our experimental results, the rate-estimation versions of FCB and FTSV, together with that of the popular active learning policy that selects the point with the maximum variance, outperform other policies for synthetic functions, and the version of FTSV is also the best performer for our real-world dataset.
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Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs) prediction is an essential issue in the molecular field. Traditional methods of observing DDIs in medical experiments require plenty of resources and labor. In this paper, we present a computational model dubbed MedKGQA based on Graph Neural Networks to automatically predict the DDIs after reading multiple medical documents in the form of multi-hop machine reading comprehension. We introduced a knowledge fusion system to obtain the complete nature of drugs and proteins and exploited a graph reasoning system to infer the drugs and proteins contained in the documents. Our model significantly improves the performance compared to previous state-of-the-art models on the QANGAROO MedHop dataset, which obtained a 4.5% improvement in terms of DDIs prediction accuracy.
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The black-box nature of end-to-end speech translation (E2E ST) systems makes it difficult to understand how source language inputs are being mapped to the target language. To solve this problem, we would like to simultaneously generate automatic speech recognition (ASR) and ST predictions such that each source language word is explicitly mapped to a target language word. A major challenge arises from the fact that translation is a non-monotonic sequence transduction task due to word ordering differences between languages -- this clashes with the monotonic nature of ASR. Therefore, we propose to generate ST tokens out-of-order while remembering how to re-order them later. We achieve this by predicting a sequence of tuples consisting of a source word, the corresponding target words, and post-editing operations dictating the correct insertion points for the target word. We examine two variants of such operation sequences which enable generation of monotonic transcriptions and non-monotonic translations from the same speech input simultaneously. We apply our approach to offline and real-time streaming models, demonstrating that we can provide explainable translations without sacrificing quality or latency. In fact, the delayed re-ordering ability of our approach improves performance during streaming. As an added benefit, our method performs ASR and ST simultaneously, making it faster than using two separate systems to perform these tasks.
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Multi-hop machine reading comprehension is a challenging task in natural language processing, which requires more reasoning ability across multiple documents. Spectral models based on graph convolutional networks grant inferring abilities and lead to competitive results. However, part of them still faces the challenge of analyzing the reasoning in a human-understandable way. Inspired by the concept of the Grandmother Cells in cognitive neuroscience, a spatial graph attention framework named ClueReader was proposed in this paper, imitating the procedure. This model is designed to assemble the semantic features in multi-level representations and automatically concentrate or alleviate information for reasoning via the attention mechanism. The name ClueReader is a metaphor for the pattern of the model: regard the subjects of queries as the start points of clues, take the reasoning entities as bridge points, consider the latent candidate entities as the grandmother cells, and the clues end up in candidate entities. The proposed model allows us to visualize the reasoning graph, then analyze the importance of edges connecting two entities and the selectivity in the mention and candidate nodes, which can be easier to be comprehended empirically. The official evaluations in the open-domain multi-hop reading dataset WikiHop and the Drug-drug Interactions dataset MedHop prove the validity of our approach and show the probability of the application of the model in the molecular biology domain.
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